Granular single super phosphate

Granular single super phosphate

5 photos

Product Description


Kemyan granular super single phosphate (GSSP) is a quickly acting phosphorus fertilizer (90% soluble in water ) it contains 18 -20% phosphorus it also contain other elements required by plants like sulfur which help in the absorption of nitrogen and iron and reduce the salt in soil and calcium which increase the fruit set .energy transmission and stimulate micro bioactivity and reduce transpiration


Color gray nay
Total p2o5 18 – 20wt%
Sulfur 10-11%
Calcium 19-21%
Water soluble P O 14-17 wt%
Moisture 5.0% max
Free acid 5.5 %max

Recommendation of Use

KEMYAN is applied prior to sowing and may be applied for all crops .it gives optimal effects if applied with potassium salt .after application –GSSP- should be mixed with soil at the depth of 10 -15 cm under ground level

Used with

Vegetables: 150-400kg /hectare
Green houses 50-100 kg / hectare
Altafa 200 -300 kg / hectare
Trees 250 -1000kg /hectare

*Rate of applications varies depend on soil nutrients content and plants nutrients requirements